The first two days, by Jack

posted by Jack

June 24:  It was the first official day of our endeavor.  We left Sturgeon Bay and headed for Green Island.  There is an abandoned light house on the island but when we got there the trail to it was overgrown and covered in poison ivy. Fox found a big fishing lure, and that’s when we started to get interested in fishing. We sailed to Peninsula state park and anchored for the night there.

June 25: We all had a good first sleep on the boat (except for a minor drawback of a huge spider in my room). In the morning there were two more spiders, one big one in the bathroom and one in the parents’ room. We headed off for Washington Island, a four-and-a-half-hour sail.  To get there we needed to go through a passage called Port des Morts, French for Death’s Door. When we got there, we took a dinghy ride "from hell" over to Rock Island, a smaller island across from Washington. It was horrible because of the big waves and all the splashing. Rock Island was going to be developed by a multi-millionaire into a huge complex in the early twentieth century, but he died just after they finished the boat house. The boat house was gigantic and, because of the high waters this year, the bottom half was flooded. Here’s the boat house:

After the boat house we took a hike to the Rock Island Lighthouse and took another splashy ride back, by the end of it you would have thought we had taken a swim.


  1. Awesome blog, Jack! Can't wait to see all the fish you guys catch!

  2. Great stories Jack! What kind of spiders do you think they were?

  3. Love your stories and your writing!


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