quick update

Hello friends and family!
As of about one week ago, we have been in the Dominican Republic.  It is a very different world here than Puerto Rico.  It is definitely a developing country, with the predominant mode of transportation being motorcycles, no chain supermarkets, just "colmados" by the side of the road, and cheap but incredibly tasty chicken/beans/rice for sale at small nameless stands everywhere. 

We did an overnight passage as a family to get here - Jack is writing a post about that so more later.

While sailing here, the DR government is very strict about where we can go.  But for the last two days, we were at Haitises national Park.  This is perhaps the most spectacular place we have been to so far.  It is rumored to be where Jurassic Park was filmed.  There is a huge cave system there, and we visited three of them.  Absolutely breathtaking.

We basically have little to no phone, and very little internet here.  Email remains the best way to reach us at present.

More photos to follow when possible.


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