
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Chesapeake so far... (by Annie)

Long gap in blogging.  Some of this is due to connectivity issues (discovering that a hotspot has a data limit, my phone's screen breaking, and no wi-fi anywhere).  But some of that is due to the fact that this part of the trip is not quite as awe-inspiring as the first few months.  It is still fun of course, and we are still finding lots of hidden gems throughout the eastern seaboard, but it isn't quite as fresh and amazing as it was when we were starting out in Lake Huron. After leaving New York, we hopped down the New Jersey coast, intermittently in the ocean or in the inter-coastal waterway.  New Jersey's beaches were gorgeous, and many an afternoon was spent playing in the waves and body-surfing (it was welcome relief from the HOT weather!).  This trip down the New Jersey shore culminated in arriving at Cape May.  Cape May was the last coastal town before we planned to cross the Delaware Bay and enter the C&D canal to reach the Chesapeake Bay.  We spent five day

Sailing out of NYC, by Jack

posted by Jack Yesterday we sailed out of New York City early in the morning.  It was a eight-hour sail. I pretty much slept through the whole thing except the first and last hours.  It was cool to see the statue of Liberty's front side from a distance.  When we finally finished the passage, we went to a stretch of a huge one hundred mile long beach that is the Jersey shore.  There were huge waves and huge clam shells.  Towards the end of our stay at the beach I saw a dorsal fin sticking up out of the water about 300 feet away.  I started to panic because I thought it was a shark.  When we were about half way in to the beach we looked back and saw four of them gliding out of the water and we realized that they were dolphins.  They continued to jump for a long time.  We don't have any pictures because they were too far away to really capture on camera. Statue of liberty on our way out of the harbor

Dolphins at beach, by Fox

by Fox  09/03/19 Today, I woke up and we were sailing out of the New York harbor.  I tried to go back to sleep, but it was too rocky.  In an hour or two, we had breakfast.  I started to get seasick.  Jack was inside trying to go to sleep.  I went to sleep on the outside couch with mom and Daisy.  A few hours later, we got there.  Jack, dad, and I went to the lounge (we were staying at a marina).  We found out that there was a HUGE beach with sand and a lot of shells.  We went body surfing there for a long time.  I made a pit and buried dad's feet in the sand, and then, dad buried my feet in the sand.  Jack made a lot of sandcastles.  We put the shells in Jack's sandcastles.  At the end of our beach time Jack said he saw a shark.  It was actually a school of dolphins.  It was getting dark so we went back to the boat.  I had some trouble getting to sleep.  Jack read for a long time and then finally got to sleep.   View of New York City as we left in the early morn

New York City, by Jack

by Jack September 1st We are in New York City at the Liberty Landing marina.  The first day we were here we were staying at the 79th street boat basin, but there were so many ferries going past that there were constant wakes, so we had to move.  So far we've gone to the museum of Natural History, the USS Intrepid, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the 9/11 memorial, High Line Park, and Central Park.  We recently learned that to go to the crown of the Statue of Liberty you need to sign up three months in advance. So going to the crown is off the list.  Today is the 4th full day we've been here. At night the skyline and the Statue of Liberty are amazing. It's very hard to get a clear picture of the statue. Manhattan skyline at nighttime Yesterday we took a dinghy ride from Liberty Landing, NJ, to the USS Intrepid in Manhattan. View of NYC from the dinghy ride Armor at the Metropolitan Museum of Art